Frequently Asked Questions
Zoning & Planning
The Charleston County Geographical Information System (GIS) is a convenient tool to look up a property's current Zoning District (please make sure that the "Zoning District" box is checked under the Base Layer dropdown menu). Once you find out the property's zoning district, you can reference the Town's Zoning and Land Development Regulations (ZLDR) for applicable information. Town Staff can also help you with determining a property's zoning district; please call (843) 889-3622 if you need assistance.
South Carolina Code, Section 5.7.30 authorizes municipalities to levy a business license tax based on a business’ gross income.
Chapter 9, Tree Protection and Preservation, of the Town's ZLDR will have the most updated information on tree removal requirements. In most cases, especially if more than a few trees are being removed, a permit will be required.
Manufactured Housing Units (Mobile Homes) are allowed in Zones RC and AG, under the Town's ZLDR, provided they: meet all building code requirements, are compliant with the current minimum height requirements of the Federal Flood Insurance Program, and do not violate the Town's density and dimensional standards. They are allowed in the AR Zoning District by Special Exception only. Additional questions can be directed to Town Hall at (843) 889-3622.
First, contact Town Hall at (843) 889-3622 to determine if it is possible to do so based on the size of the lot and current zoning. If it is possible to subdivide the property, you should schedule a pre-application conference with staff to review what you want to do prior to expending a lot of time, money, and effort in the plan that may not work. You can subdivide property according to the procedures contained in Chapter 16 of the Town's ZLDR.